Public Rights of Way
In this section you can find information about places of interest in, and around, the Parish. The first article shows the Public Rights of Way in the Parish and tries to answer some of the questions about the different types of right of way.
Public Rights of Way
Public Rights of Way are paths for walkers, cyclists and horse riders. We are very fortunate to have an extensive network of these paths in and around the Parish.
What is a Public Right of Way (PROW)?
Like a public road, a public right of way is a highway which anybody may use at any time. Public rights of way are recorded on a Definitive Map and Statement (a legal record of public rights of way). It’s important to remember that if a path is not shown on the Definitive Map it is not a Public Right of Way. Sometimes landowners will give permission for the public to use paths on their land; these are called ‘Permissive Footpaths’. The following map shows all Public Rights of Way in the Parish, together with those in neighbouring parishes.
Who can use Public Rights of Way?
Each path is classified according who is allowed to use it and the public’s rights along it. There are three categories of Public Right of Way in the Parish:
For walkers only. You are allowed to take a pram, pushchair or wheelchair along a public footpath but please be aware that many routes may not be physically suitable for that purpose. Public Footpaths are mostly waymarked with yellow arrows.
For walkers, horseriders and pedal cyclists. Cyclists must give way to walkers and horseriders. Bridleways are mostly waymarked with blue arrows.
For vehicles, cyclists, horseriders and walkers. Because of its nature, it is used mainly as a footpath or bridleway. Byways are mostly waymarked with red arrows.